Share your CCNA Wireless Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCNA Wireless 640-722 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations…
Your posts are warmly welcome!
Please don’t ask for links to download copyright materials here…
Hello Wi-Fi-Guy
Can you please send the dumps to me
I am planning to have the exam within this week.
I appreciate your feedback.
c a d i l l y s t @ h o t m a i l . c o m
Hi WIFi Guy,
Can you please upload the vce file 430+ or send it to my email {email not allowed}
Many thanks.
{email not allowed}
r m g _ a l t r u i s t i c @ y a h o o . c o m . s g
@rg/cadillyst and anon – file sent
Thanks Wi-Fi-Guy!!!
hello cadillyst
can you senf for me the dumps
i planning to have the exam like you
appreciate your feedback.
{email not allowed}
s h e f o 8 8 8 _ m a @ g m a i l . c o m
Hello Wi-Fi-Guy
Can you please send the dumps to me
I am planning to have the exam within this week.
I appreciate your feedback .
s h e f o 8 8 8 . m a @ g m a i l . c o m
s h e f o 8 8 8 . m a @ g m a i l . c o m any dumps for exam guys
Appreciate your feedback
please share dumps
8900519 @ gmail dot com
Hello Wi-Fi-Guy,
May I have a copy of the dump please ?
{email not allowed}
s h y c a o 5 5 @ g m a i l . c o m
Hello Wi-Fi Guy
Can you please send the dumps to me
I am planning to have the exam within this week.
I appreciate your feedback.
n o p p a v i t . l u a n g c h a n @ g m a i l . c o m
Just passed the 200-355 test on 5/Aug/2017!!!
65 questions in total, NO WCS, NO Drag and Drop, NO Labs. No questions on Anyconnect.
Few new questions appeared in my actual 200-355 test, easy to answer!!!
Learned 90%+ questions from PassLeader 200-355 dumps (459q~~~NEW VERSION DUMPS!!!), which is valid enough for passing now!
Here you can get part of that PassLeader 200-355 dumps FYI:
Good Luck, All!!!
Ok guys, here is my feedback. I have passed, more then 900/1000. I use 437Q dump from Wi-Fi-Guy (once more thanks) and some old 380Q version (all of it is included 437Q version). Also use IMM doc. Use google heavily to learn why is the answer the righ one. And I have to say that I have some practice experience with several smaller controller based installations for our customers. Also visiting Cisco Wireless update meetings regulary. So I am not ablsolut wireless newbie.
65 questions, 90 minutes of time. No WCS, no Anyconnect, no Drag and Drop, no Labs and no Prime. About 50 questions exactly the same as in 437Q dump, about 10 has been slightly modified, about 5 absolute new for me. So as you see its not possible to just memorize questions blindly and hope to pass. You have to understand principes why is this answer the right one, so you have no problem to answer modified questions.
Lots of questions that I have on test has been disscused in last 10-15 pages of this thread. At least what I has remembered:
How many types of control frames are only used in PCF mode? – Choosed 2
What is max power for an AP for all regulatory bodies ? – Choosed 1
What command can be used on the WLC to show the logs (or something) for an AP with the name – show ap eventlog AP_name
What is the command used to debug an AP that is not able to join the WLC ? – debug capwap
What is required from the deployment when using voice or video applications – Choosed 20% overlap, -67 RSSI, 25 SNR
What is required from the deployment for 54 mbit? – 25 SRN
You need to send all guest traffic to the DMZ, this needs to be setup so that no matter what AP the guest connects to it will get sent here, how would you set this tunnel – mobility anchoring
Something like this:
Interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/10
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,20,30,50
switchport trunk native vlan 20
switchport mode trunk
Which controller CLI command assigns its management interface to the native VLAN interface of the Cisco Catalyst switch?
A config interface vlan management 30
B config interface vlan management 50
c config interface vlan management 1
D config interface vlan management 0
E config interface vlan management 20
Choosed D
Also questions on 802.11b chanell width. – 20 MHz (has been specified B exactly, not original 802.11 with 22)
Some quetions about mobility anchor and intercontroler roaming.
Verifying status of client and AP on WLC.
Connection options on antonomous AP, LAP and WLC in default.
The new quetions was something about EAP-FAST (dont remember answer) and what AP modes suport MFP (local and antonomous? or local and bridge?).
Some questions about Apple. (hidden SSID is new one – never has Apple in my hand, so select something what give me the most sense)
Some quetions about LAP to WLC connecting.
And thats all what I have remembered. Big stress, so do not want more from me :)
So again, dump is very usefull to know what you should have to learn. But understanding of functionality is the key.
And also remember what all abbriviations mean (MFP, RRM, ETSI, RSSI, etc.)
Good luck to all of you
Congrat happy! Thx the feedback!
Latest VALID passing Material
CCNA Wireless LAtest Dumps–c1J4vJ-3LXFCvql-b3SBDU/pub
Hi Happy.
Im happy also to read your review and here about your success.
The link to WI-FI guys 437Q doesn’t work.
Can you email me 437Q.
{email not allowed}
dean_uk at yahoo dot com
dean_uk2001 at yahoo dot com
Apologies and I appreciate your help Happy.
Hi Happy, Would appreciate dumps at 8900519 at gmail dot com
hello Happy,
why 802.11b channel width is 20MHz?…..if 802.11b uses DSSS it should be 22MHZ?
Hello Wi-Fi-Guy
Can you please send the dumps to me
azwazs@ yahoo .com
@lollus – the original spec says 22 mhz but as the implementations matured the spec was changed to 20 mhz. Watch the CBT Nugget # 33 from Keith Barker. HTH
@Delta Frost
Thanks a lot!
Failed bécasse of 0,3 % point to Pass score! ????
Cand you please forward the dumps to me
{email not allowed}
k r i t h i r e d d y @ g m a i l . c o m
sorry Higlander….did u find many new questions?
Yes, there was a question, i did Not expect at this Level…IT was about Radius + active Directory. The authentification fails for Domain User that are on Domain machines but succeed for user that are on non Domain machine? Why?
And I had Some from category non sence, like this one:
A network engineer is troubleshooting a LAP that is unable to join the controller and receives the message below:
LWAPP_CLIENT_ERROR_DEBUG. No more AP manager IP addresses remain
What does the log indicate?
A. Two or more LAPs have the same IP address.
B. An AP manager has the same IP address as another AP manager.
C. A LAP has the same IP address as the AP manager.
D. Two or more controllers have the same IP address.
Answer: C
I had to trouble shoot many AP, but i can Not imagine a scenario where the AP in this Mode has (received) the IP of the Controller, really non sence.
I had one talking about lobby admin, but i couldnt unterstand it, since i did Not hear about it nowhere. Not here nor in books, nor in videos. I am sure, this one was one where i failed…
never heard about lobby admin question…..there was a picture associated with this question?
Yes, there was a Screenshot of a such restricted guest loby admin thing.
ok thanks
even labs in exam?
No Labs, nothing special, just multiple choice… I failed with 830, passing score 860…but i must say i did Not use all the dumps found here while learning… ????… M’y fault!
ok :) thanks
what about WCS/PI ?
Hi Wi-fi Guy / Happy,
Can you also send the 437Q to me please?
elvis_almighty @ y a h o o . com
thanks in advance
Hi Wi-fi Guy / Happy
Can you also send the 437Q to me please?
ciscoman1980@ g m a i l .com
thanks in advance.
Hi all
I am kindly ask Mr. WiFi Guy or anyone who already has the dump from WiFi Guy to please send me a copy. Thank you so much in advance.
medkaloks06 @
@elvis,l@tin,anon – file sent
Thanks a lot WIFi Guy! Thank you Happy for sharing..
Wifi guy please send 437q’s to bassodyssey at rediffmail dot com thanks in advance my exam date is 25th September
Well second attempt at 200-355 and i failed again. so disappointed really studied my but off and missed by just a couple questions.
My advice is to use the dump list in the last few pages. HAPPY’s post on 7Aug still valid. I am not sure If I can pass this test…..should I take it again
@r – check your score report, it shows the areas of study and gives you the percentages. Concentrate on the areas you are weakest in. Don’t take the dumps as gospel. I have gone through them and a lot of the answers are wrong. Go back through page 51-67 of this forum and you’ll find a lot of the correct answers and good explanations.
Please share 437 question please
Kashif _ boota @ hotmail .com