Home Share your CCNA Wireless Experience

Share your CCNA Wireless Experience

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCNA Wireless 640-721 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations…

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  1. TUEB
    November 5th, 2011


  2. Demjan
    November 5th, 2011


  3. Paul
    November 7th, 2011

    just passed exam… dump is still valid… 3-4 new questions…
    I studied hard anyway and knew staff from the past..
    It was a question before about what score to pass… for me.. it was 790/1000.. ,90 minutes, 80 questions.

  4. Pawel
    November 7th, 2011

    @xxx…Could you be able to please provide me more details about the Drag and Drop question
    @Paul…Could you please tell me what Drag and Drop questions appeared in your exam

  5. Anonymous
    November 8th, 2011

    It was only one drag and drop about interfaces… (AP, management, virtual ..)

  6. Paul
    November 8th, 2011

    It was only one drag and drop about interfaces… (AP, management, virtual ..)

  7. SimonA
    November 8th, 2011

    Passed today – 978! dumps still valid, about 6 new questions.

  8. xxx
    November 9th, 2011

    Drag and Drop

    EAP – MD5 Not used
    EAP – TLS Credential Cliente
    EAP – LEAP Srong Password
    EAP – PEAP Credential Server

    It was something like that ….

  9. Trescool
    November 9th, 2011

    Passed today with 989….i think the 6 new questions were:
    WGB question: choose the exact definition of universal WGB and cisco mode WGB
    How many channels are available on 802.11A spectrum ? the answer is 28!
    How Many Rogue Ap’s can be contained with one AP? the answer is 3
    What is the max supported no of wlc/ap for the Express solution in a mobility domain: the answer is 2 controllers and 6 ap´s for each
    The advantage of doing access point grouping: i guess this what the one i missed
    What is true about the 802.1x authentication method?Choose 3
    – the client has to authenticate first and then associate (x)
    – the client has to associate first and then authenticate
    – the client may ask the authenticator for its credentials (x)
    – the client has to be authenticated by a RADIUS server (x)
    – sometimes the AP can act as authenticator

  10. Pawel
    November 10th, 2011

    @xxx and @Paul…Thank you very much…I appreciate your kind help

  11. Paul
    November 10th, 2011

    Pawel: U r welcome

    I had this question about access point grouping… I chose for WLAN Override ( i remember this from Todd Lammle`s book). I got actually the same exact score :)
    I had the question about wlc/ap and about 802.1x authentication too…

  12. (((
    November 10th, 2011

    i just passed exam.. i had 6-8 new questions and 2 drag and drop: controller’s interfaces and split-mac.. there were questions about LAG, Airport..

  13. xallax
    November 10th, 2011

    CCNA Wireless practice questions:

  14. Daniel M
    November 11th, 2011

    Thanks Wireless tut.

    I passed with 1000 score.

    Thanks again.

  15. jameel
    November 11th, 2011

    Asalam alaikum..congratulation daniel i m reallly very happyy……..tell me is there any lab in ccna wireless

  16. Obs
    November 14th, 2011

    Jameel – Good question, I would like to know the same thing. Got this exam lined up for January

  17. daniel mexico
    November 15th, 2011

    I passed with 1000 !!! everything here is valid but 6-9 new questions , 3 drag and drop and really easy test for me , you can pass with actual test 203 questions and some new questions posted here previously , good luck!!!

  18. flexyplexy
    November 16th, 2011

    Hi Folks
    passed today (16. Nov) with 900+ score.. unfortunatelly i discovered this site only a few days before the exams.. I hadn’t really the time to walk through all the questions here, but I take a look now, then i can find a lot questions which i’ve seen exactly the same in the exam.. there were 3 drag und drops, and the rest were signle and multiple choice… no simlets or lab!!

  19. Maria
    November 18th, 2011

    Thanks tut, passed with 979, was just a few new questions but i have studied the cisco press book for the exam so it went alright anyhow =)
    Easier test then ccent imo.

  20. samora
    November 21st, 2011

    am going to sit it in about an hour, wish me luck guys.
    did Jeremy Cioara (640-721 official study guide), Michael Shannon(cbt nuggets), Todd Lammle (sybex) and wireless tut (Awesome site).

  21. Oss
    November 21st, 2011

    Passed the exam with 978, there was 1 new drag&drop, and 3 to 4 new Qs,rest all same as per Qs here on wirelessTuT.!

  22. RF
    November 21st, 2011

    Congratulations ! Does anyone know if this will still be vaild in the beginning of next year?

  23. Rob
    November 21st, 2011

    I will have my exam next week. Could someone tell me where to get actual test 203q or what’s the exactly label for googling it? Thanks in advance!

  24. Jason
    November 21st, 2011

    Passed today with a 989. Read though these questions 3 times and read the Cisco Exam prep book. I also bought myself a 2106 controller off ebay to play with. 90% of the questions were exact. In and out in 20 mins

  25. Samora
    November 23rd, 2011

    Passed on 21st, 937. Easy exam did it in 30 mins….

  26. ASK
    November 26th, 2011

    can i ask if any one see in exam a new type of questions like blanks or any other types expect ( multi choice and drag drop ) ,

  27. COB
    November 28th, 2011

    Thanks Wireless tut! I passed my exam. Questions are still valid + some new questions:

    1. What is the path that you need to follow in order to enable Web Authentication in a WLC
    2. What are the characteristics of uWGB and aWGB
    3. Which are management frames
    4. How Many Rogue Ap’s can be contained with one AP
    5. What statements best describe EAP Local authentication
    6. Match the 802.11 responsibility in the Cisco SPLIT MAC design (Drag ans drop)


  28. mike
    November 28th, 2011

    has anyone passed exam without required lab gear?
    are there any simulators to practice without getting wlc and ap?

  29. Jaccobb
    November 29th, 2011

    @mike, you dont need lab gear to pass the exam. But if that will help you understand fully how wireless operates. Next thing is if someone could share you a simulator to practice it, that would be awesome! You need simulator for:

    1. WCS
    2. WLC
    3. AP
    4. AAA Server (Microsoft ACS or Microsoft Server)
    5. AD Server (Microsoft)

    To share with you, I passed the exam 2 weeks ago. Studied the give questions here and the additional questions on the comments just for 1 day. I didnt had a hard time reviewing these because my work is related to these stuff. I am responsible for the implementation and operation for our company’s wireless lan.

    Goodluck to all who will be taking the exam.

  30. Jaccobb
    November 29th, 2011

    Correction for #4. AAA Server (Cisco ACS or MS Server)

  31. Regina
    December 2nd, 2011

    Thanks guys for the comments, i am taking my exam next week. please can somebody give us the answers of the new questions:
    these are
    1 the path you need to follow in order to enable web authentication in WLC
    2 characteristics of uWGB and aWGB
    3best statement that describe EAP
    4match 802.11 responsibility in the cisco Split mac design.

  32. Regina
    December 2nd, 2011

    5 the advantage of doing access point grouping

  33. Almost CCNA Wireless
    December 4th, 2011

    Overall easy, about 6-8 questions not in the preparation material. Here 6 of them.

    Got it wrong, without point loss, thus non-scored for time being:
    Question: Where to see WiFi signal strength information on iMac?
    Good Answer: Options Key – AirPort menu – Mouse to SSID entry in list

    Question: In what way does DSSS cope with higher data volume compared to FHSS.
    Correct answer or unscored:
    – Widening the range of frequencies used for one channel
    other options given, including…
    – increasing amplitude
    – sending in exact middle of channel frequencies.

    Question: Match the 802.11 responsibility in the Cisco SPLIT MAC design (Drag and drop to AP or Controller)
    Correct or unscored:
    – transmit beacons – AP
    – client authentication – WLC
    – Encryption/decryption – AP
    – RF management – WLC
    – transmission and buffering of frames – AP
    – 802.11 association and reassociation – WLC

    What is the menu path that you need to follow in order to enable Web Authentication in a WLC?

    What is true about the 802.1x authentication method? Choose 3 (of 5 or 6 options given)
    – The client has to authenticate first and then associate
    – The AP can never act as authentication server and this must be an external RADIUS server.
    – The client may ask the authenticator for its credentials.
    – The client may authenticate the authenticator’s credentials.

    What standard defines AES-CCM?
    3 or 4 wrong options including IEEE.802.1X; IEEE 802.11i not listed
    only good answer: WPA2

  34. Nameless
    December 6th, 2011

    passed the exam. thanks everyone for your contributions. 5 to 6 new questions as commented by our dear colleagues. just read the comments and you will be good to go. there was also a question about Lag Airport -the answer is Sr-mac and dst-mac something like that.

  35. Nameless
    December 6th, 2011

    used Todd Lammle book and CBT Nugget for study.

  36. Devan
    December 8th, 2011

    Really thanks Guys….. I got 1000.
    4-5 Questions other than dumps but all are mentioned here

    Drag and drop answer in dumps hav correction (Management interface is the only pingable interface in WLC and Virtual interface is using for DHCP relay and Web Authentication)

    1 drag and drop about EAP types.That is Correctly mentioned here
    2 How many channels in 802.11 a
    3 How to give more security for PSK authentication
    Answer i gave was Change password in the interval of 2 weeks and use WPA or WPA2

    are some i remember but all the Questions mentioned in this blog.All the best

  37. msxy
    December 11th, 2011

    i just wanted to know if this course we can learn how to install vsat and antenna’s if not how could i learn it thank you.

  38. evey
    December 13th, 2011

    All, Just took exam and new version is out 640-722. Only 20% info in this study guide is valid. My suggestion is to read Cisco Wireless Controller configuration Guide v7. I am going through it now and it has some of the items I saw. I had mulitple drag and drops, over 10. Multiple references to paths and configurations via the WCS that are not even mentioned in the Cisco Press Study Guide. This exam truely tests hands on experience.

  39. msxy
    December 14th, 2011

    please could someone help me on this: i just wanted to know if this course we can learn how to install vsat and antenna’s if not how could i learn it thank you.

  40. DP
    December 14th, 2011

    can anyone confirm that we are still having similar questions, I m planning to take exam soon. I have prepared cisco book, wirelesstut

  41. Jean
    December 16th, 2011

    New version is out??? I dont see it mentioned at cisco.com

  42. Drew
    December 17th, 2011

    It appears that there is, in fact, a new version out.

    I took the wireless exam today and failed with a 748.

    I have passed several mock exams with scores ranging from 92 to 96.
    Also came back to camp immediately afterward and took mock exam again and scored a 91.3.

  43. Jean
    December 18th, 2011

    Drew, New version meaning new set of questions other than what is present in this site?

    I was planning to take the exam next week

  44. Syd
    December 19th, 2011

    Please verify if the new exam is out?

  45. Jean
    December 19th, 2011

    Any one took the new exam? any information on the availability of new questions?

  46. Imran
    December 19th, 2011

    I see that there has been a change. Could someone confirm and verify?

  47. Khalid
    December 20th, 2011

    Boys.. yes there is 2 versions of the exam 640-721 and 640-722 and if you go to pearsonvue you will see both vesrions and you have the possibility to register either one of them. I guesss EVEY went for the 722 which is not compaitable with what we have here on this site and ended up getting different questions.

  48. Syd
    December 20th, 2011

    @ Khalid, I’m looking at cisco’s website (http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/le3/le2/le0/le2/learning_certification_type_home.html) and there is no such exam as 640-722, so that tells me that maybe the 640-721 has been changed/updated.

  49. GSingh
    December 20th, 2011

    But when you goto pearson vue to book the test it shows 2 options.
    640-722 CCNA – Wireless Associate – IUWNE
    640-721 Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Network Essentials
    Its confusing as there is nothing about 640-722 on cisco website.

  50. Jean
    December 20th, 2011

    So if we register for 640-721.. The questions are gonna be the same as mentioned here?

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