Home Share your CCNA Wireless Experience

Share your CCNA Wireless Experience

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCNA Wireless 640-721 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations…

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  1. kr34
    July 17th, 2011

    Thanks Allah Almight , thanks wirelesstut.com , yes all the new q are appear again !! yes again CBT , Cisco offical exam guide .

  2. karam
    July 23rd, 2011

    Thanls ALLAH Amight, I have scored 989/1000 today… thanks wirelesstut.com,
    CBT , Cisco offical exam guide , Cisco.Prepking.640-721.v2011-06-02.by.Deffy.208q
    questions in the site are still valid…. good luck everybody…

  3. Boldy
    July 28th, 2011

    Hi All,

    I have used the Cisco CCNA Wireless Offical Exam Certification Guide, as well as CWNA Self Study Guide to prepare for the exam. I used http://www.examworx.com and http://www.pass4sure.com and wirelesstut.
    All questions listed here is still relevant.
    Passed my exams 945/1000
    All the best for everyone that is still preparing for the exam.


  4. Chimbombo
    July 29th, 2011

    Scored 1000/1000 today.

    *Cisco offical exam guide
    *IUWNE Student Guide.

    About 5-6 new Q. Questions in this site are still valid.
    Thanks everyone and Wirelesstut.com

  5. Jorgegova
    July 30th, 2011

    Thanks Wirelesstut and everyone

    Score 1000/1000.

  6. rio river
    July 30th, 2011

    Scored 989..
    4-6 new Q. as described by Laurent in his post on 07/07. There is also one that i still remember regarding AP groups.
    Thanks Wirelesstut and everyone.
    Good luck to you all.

  7. mastan
    August 3rd, 2011

    hi 2marow i am going to write the exam can any one reply “Cisco.Prepking.640-721.v2011-06-02.by.Deffy.208q.vce” is valid or not


  8. naser
    August 16th, 2011

    Thanks to ALLAH
    dump still valid today i have the exam

    score 989

    10 questions different at max



  9. Patrick
    August 17th, 2011

    I’m studying for a Bachelar degree. One portion is CWNA. Is that the same as CCNA Wireless? CWNA is about exam: PW0-104 but cannot find any information on that on Cisco website. It is replaced? Or is that not Cisco. Maybe it is just a special VUE exam. Don’t understand. Thanks for answers.

  10. Avinash
    August 20th, 2011

    Patric CWNA is not offered by cisco. It is the exam in Pearson vue. It is about wireless. The full form is certified wireless networks associate. So u want more tips contact me. Add me in gtalk my I’d is am2579724@gmail.com

  11. abdel
    August 22nd, 2011

    this dumps is valid , and it’s enogh


    i passed today
    thanks every body & wirelesstut

  12. Sadiya
    September 2nd, 2011

    Can anyone please let me know, what should I read as I just now started for this exam.

    Also, what abt labs for this exam>> Thank-you

  13. david
    September 6th, 2011

    I sat and passed the IUWNE exam, yesterday with a score of 1000/1000 (no I cant believe it either) the “Cisco.Prepking.640-721.v2011-06-02.by.Deffy.208q.vce” is still relevant but still read the “Cisco CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification” Guide, some of the exam Drag and drop answers on the Drag and drop page are wrong (see comments on the drag and drop section) they give the correct answers.

    Good luck everyone – thanks a bunch wirelesstut

  14. Khan
    September 9th, 2011

    Just passed with 989.
    Studied “Cisco.Prepking.640-721.v2011-06-02.by.Deffy.208q.vce” . 4-5 new questions.

    One questions was about mobility group role
    Thats all I remmeber for now

  15. G
    September 13th, 2011

    Studied for two days using Cisco.Prepking.640-721.v2011-06-02.by.Deffy.208q.vce and passed with a 989 today. 3-4 new questions. One was the etherchannel question. Another concerned 4 advantages of an AP Mobility group. Didn’t see the new drag n’ drop at all and can’t remember the rest of the new questions as I’m now suffering from sleep deprivation.

    As I had to pass or get fired, thanks wirelesstut for helping me keep my job.

  16. Amresh
    September 14th, 2011

    Can somebody help me to find CBT Nuggets for CCNA Wireless ?
    you can mail me: goldendragon_r@hotmail.com

  17. Sami
    September 15th, 2011

    Passed CCNA Wireless today Study the dumps & 3 – 4 new questions
    Amresh@ check the site careercert.info for CBTs

  18. janet
    September 16th, 2011

    can any1 email m the ccna wireless books and dump at ziwewejanet@gmail.com

  19. Anonymous
    September 16th, 2011

    Passed today 989 – using Cisco.Prepking.640-721.v2011-06-02.by.Deffy.208q.vce and CBT Nuggets videos.This dump is 100% valid. 3 or 4 new questions.
    1. I was asked the different alarms on WCS.Answer should be Critical, Major and Minor,
    2. Q) How to setup web authentication on wlc with code 5.0
    the answer should be:
    A) wlans -> wlans ->wlan ID -> security -> Layer 3 (select radio button Authentication)
    3.It was also question about the Apple , how to get to network settings.

    One questions from the drag and drop from wireless tut site – the first one from the top.

    Good luck everyone and thanks wireless tut ;0)

  20. OneAnonymous
    September 30th, 2011

    Hi all,

    and thanks a lot for all your own help (wirelesstut and all guys) in advance. I think this site is the best site for the certifications world!

    I have scheduled the CCNA wireless exam in the next week, so i would ask all guys if in this week and last one, anyone have took the exam to know if there are change in the exam compared to the last dumpt and last comments.

    Good luck at all

  21. Reno
    September 30th, 2011

    I’m want to take this cert next month, is there any labs for this test? Thanks!

  22. wirelesstut
    October 5th, 2011

    @Reno: There are no labs in this exam.

  23. Doc
    October 11th, 2011

    Wrote 640-721 exam today got 1000/1000. Thanks wireless tut. This stuff is still valid, a few new questions so you need to know your stuff. There are no labs in this exam, its just 80 MCQ and you have 90 minutes to finish the exam.
    Good luck to all

  24. cli
    October 11th, 2011

    Hey Doc ..can you remember any of the new questions?

  25. Doc
    October 12th, 2011

    @cli about 5 new ques, 1 was about the role of a mobility group, the other was about the order in which a client connects to an AP viz:-
    association then authentication
    authentication then association
    authorization then authentication

    ans was association then authentication. If i remember something else i’ll post it

  26. Cosmin
    October 12th, 2011


    Thanks for the info :). I’m taking my exam on 17th.

    One thing though.. are you sure that is the right answer for the auth/assoc question?

    I would say the authentication occurs first an then the association.


  27. JoMomma
    October 14th, 2011

    Cosmin, I agree.

  28. Explanation
    October 15th, 2011

    Studied from the Cisco Official Exam guide and a vce that sucked. Stumbled with this site early morning, reviewed and took the test 4 hours later: result was 978.
    Same questions as in the site, same 2 drag-drop.
    3/4 new questions:
    1. What must be increased in DSSS to improve over FHSS
    2. What algorithm is used in WPA2 (new options)?
    3. Management frames (RTS, Association, etc.)

  29. Explanation
    October 15th, 2011

    Can’t edit previous post, so here it goes: Thanks a MILL

  30. Cosmin
    October 17th, 2011

    Hi all,

    So, just passed my exam with 1000. I got the same questions plus about 4 new ones (which, I suppose, were the unscored ones). I got only one drag and drop, the one with the WLC interfaces.

    I studied Todd Lammle’s – CCNA Wireless Study Guide and CBT Nuggets (Michael Shannon)

    What I remember for the new questions:

    1. what is the max supported no of wlc/ap for the Express solution in a mobility domain?
    – one wlc with one ap
    – one wlc with 3 aps
    – two wlcs with 3 aps each
    – two wlcs with 6 aps each (this should be the correct answer)
    , etc

    2. What is true about the 802.1x authentication method?
    – the client has to authenticate first and then associate
    – the client has to associate first and then authenticate
    – the client may ask the authenticator for its credentials
    – the client has to be authenticated by a RADIUS server
    – sometimes the AP can act as authenticator

    3. The question posted earlier regarding how to set up the web authentication on a WLC.

    I don’t remember other questions. The chioces/answers to the questions above are formulated something like that, not exactely :)

    Thanks all for the precious information!

    Good luck!

  31. cli
    October 19th, 2011

    Hey guys…

    Is there no CCNP wireless site by 9tut…..?

  32. Demjan
    October 20th, 2011

    Hello guys!

    Today I failed my EXAM! All questions was new! Why they changed it? I can’t find same questions on any dumps! Failed with 540 score! :(

  33. Steve
    October 21st, 2011

    Thanks Wirelesstut, I have just sat my exam and PASSED with 978, most of the questions are here, this is still all relevant. 80 Multiple choice questions with 110 minutes to answer. I hate exams and boy did i feel it. Great result tho. Thanks again 9tut & wirelesstut.

  34. ooo
    October 21st, 2011

    Demjan, it’s so bad news for me… but i dont understand why you got new questions and Steve said that dumps is still valid!!! its so confuse..

  35. Zaid
    October 23rd, 2011

    Passed today with 989 only 4-5 new questions everything else is from here and from dumps. A new d&d question about different roles of ap and wlc.

  36. Abroader
    October 25th, 2011

    Hi guys, I checked on pass4sure the and there is an update of september. I have to take the test on begining of next months.

    Can anyone make a favor for me and provide me the dump of ccna-wireless, please ??

    this is my email xxbluecrystal23xx@hotmail.com

  37. :-)))
    October 27th, 2011

    Passed today with 956. only. 3 or 4 new questions.

    thanks 9tut ..

  38. Sunny
    November 1st, 2011

    Thanks all for your contributions. Just passed CCNA wireless with 912 score. the Q & A on this site is very valid except with 3 new questions. I got only one DD (d one here).

    Thanks so much 9tut

  39. ooo
    November 1st, 2011

    SUNNY could you tell which questions did you get?

  40. Sunny
    November 1st, 2011

    @OOO, I cant remember most of the new question today. But they were 80ques. in all and believe you me, you can take the test and pass it. Just understand the materials very well before studying dumps

  41. ooo
    November 1st, 2011

    what materials did you use for exam?

  42. Sunny
    November 2nd, 2011

    @OOO, i used CCNA wireless Guide by Brandon James Carroll and other wireless materials

  43. ooo
    November 2nd, 2011

    how long did you study for your exam?

  44. Cristian
    November 2nd, 2011

    my exam is the 20 nov = )

  45. ooo
    November 3rd, 2011

    Cristian , why not this or next week? What are you waiting for? I heard that Cisco will change CCNA wireless exam questions at November 15… That’s not good for you!

  46. (((
    November 3rd, 2011

    is it true? or it’s just a rumor?

  47. ooo
    November 3rd, 2011

    I think you will know this on your exam on november 20 :D

  48. ammsb
    November 3rd, 2011

    @ ooo : where did you read that cisco will change the exam questions on 15 Nov ? at cisco website ?

  49. ooo
    November 3rd, 2011

    my friend is working at cisco exam prep centre.

  50. xxx
    November 4th, 2011

    Questions still valid + some questions talked here + 4/5 new.

    Drag/Drop about EAP
    WGB (WorkGroup Bridge9

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