Share your WIDESIGN Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the WIDESIGN 300-360 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Your posts are warmly welcome!
Please don’t ask for links to download copyright materials here…
Hi @Rick, the dumps with 72 aren’t enough to pass in exam. I test in last Monday. Almost 40 new questions.
PassLeader 300-360 dumps FYI:
Good Luck!!!
hi please help anyone
Like @rock need help to find any material with questions to train. Is there anyone??
Hi Hue_BR,
Were you be able to clear the exam? Congrats in advance. I saw your comment on the first page and I will take note of that.
Cisco offering a few free sections of their training for the time being:
Anyone attempt the test recently that can offer suggestions on what to study?
I passed, 8.50. The score for the day was 8.25
Did you encounter any question on Cisco Prime?
Yes. 1 question.
– What is the help database for inventories of RF ID devices?
Are you referring to the attached MSE?
Hi all,
Passleader has a dump of 94questions. Anyone could share this in pdf or vce mode?
Thanks in advanced
I don’t remember the answers. But not reference to MSE, they ask the specific tool to do it
@RubberDucky I don’t remember the answers. But not reference to MSE, they ask the specific tool to do it
Passed today, lots of new question. Study and understand the material below and you should be able to figure it out. I did not need to purchase any study materials, just lots and lots of reading on Cisco’s web site.
Please can anyone share the study materials.
Part of free PassLeader 300-365 dumps are available here:
Good Luck!!!
Part of free PassLeader 300-370 dumps are available here:
Good Luck!!!
Part of free PassLeader 300-375 dumps are available here:
Good Luck!!!
So Muhammad, can you share the dumps for 300-360, as you wrote is enogh for passing now, please?
share my cisco 300-360 useful video here:
I think it will helpful in your preparation.
i’ve passed exam this week, score 9xx. I’ve used PassLeader 300-360 dumps 94q, and the dump is not valid… It’s the same as 72q version with 22 new questions. At the exam there was only 15-20 questions from 72q version and 0 questions from the pool of 22 new questions from the 94q dump.
The exam questions and answers are logical and it’s not hard to pass the exam if you are working with cisco wireless technologies.
l failed the exam with the 94 questions. Plonky is right. you have about 15 questions only. Please do not buy it. it is not worthy. I will try to upload it tomorrow or if you provide me with an email address I will send you the pdf and the vce file.
can someone explain how to upload a file to this website in order for me to share the vce and pdf file of the 94Q with you guys. Although it is not enough to pass the exam. At least PassLeader will stop money they dont deserve.
Hi Djoloku, i am sorry to hear that. You can share it at google drive and so on and post the link here.
@Plonky, how did you prepare for the exam. What study guide did you follow and how many questions was on exam. Thank you.
We have All Dumps on this site
CCNA , CCNA Security , CCNA Voice , CCDP , CCDA , CCNP , CCIE
CCNA & CCNP Wireless 100% Valid Dumps Available Here PDF + VCE Both Files
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hi all, i cleared my exam with 80q material. got the material from premdev
Hi alqatar, how i can get the premdev document. If you have this document please can you share it.
Hi alqatar, does the questions all came from premdev if yes can you please share the material
Hello everyone,
I remember some new exam questions:
Question about AP on oil platform, which AP to use?
Which regulator, checks for RF signal effects on the human body?
Drag and Drop, very easy. Question the differences between IPV6, RA GUARD, Server Guard, Source Guard, ACL, AAA Override for IPv6 ACLs.
What is Chanalyser’s function?
Three different buildings, which is the name of the design that should be used.
802.11 standard for fastroaming.
802.11 Standard for RF Field (tags).
Power of high AP, what is the cause? TPC, DCA …?
QoS in SW.
Power source for Outdoor AP.
Hi Djoloku,
Please share the 94q. You may upload the file to google drive then share the link here. TIA.
i all i cleared my exam with 80q file.
hi all you can contect me here sunilgupta9980 at
Looking for the latest CCNP Wireless 300-360 dump. Please share. shhk88 at
Hi Can anyone give me contact for premdev
Part of free PassLeader 300-365 dumps for your reference:
Good Luck!!!
Part of free PassLeader 300-370 dumps for your reference:
Good Luck!!!
Part of free PassLeader 300-375 dumps for your reference:
Good Luck!!!
hi all, i cleared my exam with 80q material, not scored more but cleared my exam.
the material is provided by premdev. some people have doubt but i used his material, it is fair enough to clear exam. thanks to some user who shared experience here
anyone did the exam?
anyone has the premdev´s material?
Gomz,in this case you can share the file. Why do you advettise of premdev instead of sending dumps? Please dont do this. People trust you and working that dumps and paying money for exam for nothing!!! Please be honest about this subject.
Sorry friends, it is fully watermarked so can not share it. I just shared my experience, as i told you , it worked for me but i am not here for advertisement like other are doing.
and friend it is my choice because i paid for it. and if you want it free then wait for sometime someone will share it.
I will take exams soon, who has the exam update ?
Hi Can anyone give me premdev contact I need to give that exam and need to pas it this time
Premdev has facebook account with red ccie symbol. Search on google like premdev dumps
Anyone kindly share the PassLeader 300-375 dumps???
Sorry, I need the PassLeader 300-360 dumps (94q dumps)
anyone kindly share!!!
I need PassLeader 300-360 dumps (94q dumps) same , Please